Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem which can interfere with the enjoyment of eating and drinking. There are many causes of tooth sensitivity including receding gums, tooth decay, tooth wear, cracked or broken teeth, tooth clenching or grinding, damaged fillings, frequent intake of acidic food or drink, as well as medical problems like reflux.

A certain level of tooth sensitivity in some individuals, for example when biting into an icecream, is normal. This should be distinguished from tooth sensitivity resulting from processes which are damaging to the teeth.

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity inform your dentist. They will assess your history and examine your teeth and gums in order to determine what might be causing the sensitivity. They will then discuss appropriate ways of reducing the sensitivity which could involve modifying toothbrushing habits, changing your diet, using a desensitising agent, filling decayed or broken teeth, or replacement of damaged fillings. Your dentist may also recommend consulting your medical GP about possible health issues which may be contributing to sensitivity.